(Business World) One of the best ways to get a return on your investment is through investing in the stock market. When done right, your money can grow more than what you initially put in. However, the opposite can happen as well if mismanaged.
The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)reported during the pandemic, more Filipinos have been inclined to investing. In fact, a 70% increase in the PSE index was observed to date, coming from the March 2020 crash when the lockdown started.
While there is no doubt many are now more knowledgeable when it comes to investing, there are still those who are hesitant to take their money globally because they might find investing outside the country daunting and difficult given the complexities of the international markets.
However, what many Filipino investors may not know is that the benefits can outweigh risks when done correctly. Here are three reasons to invest in foreign markets, according to top Fund Managers across the globe… Read More