(Interaksyon) The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) said that it will reevaluate the Hollywood film “Plane” after some lawmakers condemned the movie for supposedly portraying the Philippines “negatively.”
“Although the film is fictional, we still would not want our country to be portrayed in a negative and inaccurate light,” the MTRCB said in a statement on Thursday, February 16.
MTRCB said that it will take necessary actions if there is anyway “injurious to the prestige of the Philippines or its people.”
The action movie is about the survivors of a plane crash incident in Jolo, Sulu who were held hostage by an armed group.
In the movie’s trailer, Jolo island was described as a place that is “run by separatists and militias” and that “the Philippine army wouldn’t go there anymore.” … Read More